UnivAssist’s Counselor Fly-In Tours provide an excellent opportunity to connect with high school representatives worldwide and introduce them to all your university offers.
The tours’ fundamental objective is to offer an introduction and strengthen awareness of your higher education system for the selected group of counselors, acquainting them with a diverse set of higher education institutions.
The counselors will learn about admissions procedures and requirements to help better counsel their students and gain a critical appreciation for the “feel” of the campuses they visit – and, in turn, which students will be the best fit for which institutions.
Counselors are critical influencers in deciding the institution a student will enroll in. Based on a UnivAssist survey of 300+ international students, the counselor’s recommendation factors a full one-third into the application decision (one-third student, one-third parent, one-third counselor).
We have a growing list of 420+ university partners.